Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A Weekend With JLG

by Jean-Luc Godard

No matter what you think of Jean-Luc Godard’s films, his influence and challenges to cinematic conventions are undeniable. In Week End Godard takes aim at politics and society in a film that still can be shocking and powerful after nearly 40 years. It has an exhausting range of emotions and techniques. At times it feels arbitrary and thrown together, but the film never lets you be complacent and I don’t know if anyone will enjoy the whole thing. But there is a good chance you’ll see some of the most memorable, horrifying, or thought provoking images. From a cinematic point of view the extended tracking shot along a traffic jam and a sequence where camera pans around a large area twice are some of the most remarkable things I’ve seen in a film.
It’s an important work that is filled with and embraces contradictions and is a surreal political statement by the filmmaker who constantly pushes the limits.

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